Tattoo Today, And The Regret Tomorrow.(read full details)
@@@@@@@@@@@@That tattoo and nose ring may look cool now, but
what about tomorrow?
Teens should pause before getting
inked -- especially with the name of their current sweetheart.
That's some of the advice in a new report from the American
Academy of Pediatrics, a leading group of doctors who care
for children.
Tattoos and body piercings may have hit the mainstream, but
the report details some of the risks -- from skin infections to
potentially damaged job prospects.
But the point is not to put the kibosh on body art, said Dr.
Cora Breuner, the lead author of the report.
"This isn't necessarily something to be looked down upon. We
just want young people to be aware," said Breuner, an
attending physician at Seattle Children's Hospital.
It's difficult to know how often tattoos or piercings cause
infections or other complications, because it's not specifically
tracked, Breuner said.
But based on case reports, the potential risks include scars,
allergic reactions and bacterial infections.
According to the academy, there are "many case reports" of
people who've developed non-tuberculosis mycobacteria
infections after getting tattoos, for instance. Those infections
range from mild skin rashes to severe abscesses (a collection
of pus within the skin tissue) that must be surgically drained.
Tattooing has also been linked to cases of the liver infection
hepatitis, which can be passed through blood.
It's crucial, the report said, that you go to licensed tattoo
artists who follow the necessary infection-control steps: They
should wear disposable gloves, and demonstrate that they are
using a new needle from a sealed, sterile container -- as well
as fresh ink poured into a new, disposable container.
You should also make sure your immunizations are up to date
and that you aren't taking any medication that compromises
your immunity.
Similar advice goes for body piercings, the academy said.
"If they're following good, sterile procedures, the risk of
infection is low," said Dr. Bruce Robinson, a clinical professor
of dermatology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
But even then, Robinson said, people can have an allergic
reaction to pigments in tattoo ink or the metals (particularly
nickel) used in body piercings. In those cases, he noted, a
"secondary" bacterial infection can develop -- if, for example,
a person is scratching an allergic rash.
Some people are also prone to forming keloids after a
piercing or tattoo, Robinson said. Keloids are hard, raised
scars that can grow to be much larger than the wound that
caused the scar.
"People of color are more susceptible to developing keloids,"
Robinson said.
Even if all goes well with the body-art process itself, there are
potential issues down the road, Breuner said.
"If you have a visible tattoo or piercing, it might affect your
ability to get a job," she said. Even in this age of ubiquitous
body art, she noted, some employers may not be so
Another consideration with tattoos is their "longevity," as
Breuner put it. Young people should put a lot of thought into
not only the location of the tattoo, but the art itself, she said.
According to Robinson, about half of people with tattoos
eventually regret them.
While tattoos can be removed, it's not an easy process. Laser
surgery is most effective, but it's time-consuming, costly and
"It can take upwards of 10 treatments," Robinson said. "It's
not painless. And it can leave an outline or 'shadow' behind."
The laser cost varies, depending on the tattoo's size and
complexity, among other things. But the starting price, Breuner
said, is around $50 per square inch.
Women should also be aware, Breuner noted, that certain
body piercings -- belly button and nipple rings -- must be
removed during pregnancy and/or breast-feeding.
Nearly all U.S. states have laws regarding tattoos or body
piercing for minors, according to the National Conference of
State Legislatures. Some states ban them entirely; others
allow them if a parent is present or gives written consent.
Breuner suggests parents keep their cool if their children say
they want a tattoo or piercing. "Have a conversation about it,"
she said. "If you just say 'no,' that's probably a guarantee
they'll do it."
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