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1.  Don’t eat too much

Eating too much can make you feel sluggish and sleepy,
especially if your meal has a high amount of carbohydrates
like in rice. You can instead try snacking on nuts and fruits
along with lots of water which will make you feel energetic in
a healthy way.

2. Energy drinks should be avoided

You might think that having an energy drink before sex would
be a good idea as it will increase your stamina and keep you
energetic. However, they are loaded with sugar which will
make you feel energetic for a while but once the sugar buzz
goes you may end up feeling even more fatigued than before.
Read more about why energy drinks are bad for you.

3. Don’t argue with your partner

Arguments between partners are extremely common
especially after the first few years of marriage when the
novelty wears off, but having one before sex can only make
things uncomfortable in the bed. Even though, both of you put
the argument behind before hitting the bed, it’ll still be
lingering somewhere in your brain and the motivation to make
your partner happy might not be there.

4. Don’t be anxious or stressed before

having sex
Too much stress can spell doom for your sex life. It can lead
to performance anxiety and in some cases, erectile
dysfunction. If you are too stressed, try meditating for a few
minutes or ask your partner to give you a foot/back massage.
Increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables should
also help.

5. Don’t eat peppermint

Even though bad breath is a strict ‘no-no’ before you decide
to have sex, and peppermint can help fight it, you should still
avoid having peppermint before having sex. Why? Menthol
present in peppermint can reduce your testosterone levels
leading to lower libido. Instead, you can try taking a
mouthwash to freshen up your breath.

6. Don’t be conscious about your body

Images of perfectly shaped bodies has put an immense
pressure on individuals to look perfect and for people who do
not meet these standards, it can be a cause of anxiety and
distress. However, before having sex it is important to put
thoughts like ‘I wish my body was better’, ‘Why is there so
much fat on my belly?’, etc. aside and just enjoy the moment.
Try to focus and think about the parts of your body that you
like and don’t let negative thoughts play spoilsport. Read more
about body image and how it can affect your sex life.

7. Don’t have very high expectations

If you are having sex for the first time or with a new partner, it
is important to let time do its job. Each body is different, and
it is important to experiment and learn whenever you are
indulging in sex. If you have high expectations and if those
expectations aren’t met then it could lead to a loss of self-
esteem and confidence which isn’t good for your life, let
alone sex life.

8. Don’t masturbate too much

While this would seem obvious to a lot of people, there are
people who masturbate an hour before having sex in order to
prolong the time it takes to ejaculate. While such a trick might
work, going overboard with it will not help as too much
masturbation will render your penis unable to achieve an
erection until after a long time.

9. Don’t stick to the same routine

Lack of innovation and creativity can kill the passion and love
that exists between couples. Making sex a mechanical chore
that two partners should just indulge in every once in a while
will only lead to decreased pleasure. Try new sex positions,
have sex at different locations, fulfil fantasies, get excited and
send each other dirty texts in order to keep the love and
passion alive!

10. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes

Both alcohol and cigarettes were once advertised as a symbol
of manliness and sex appeal. However, the notion has long
been abandoned, and both cigarettes and alcohol are
scientifically proven to be libido busters. Smoking constricts
blood flow in your body, and since erections are dependent on
that, you should avoid it to improve your sex life. Drinking
alcohol too should be avoided even though it has been
referred by many as the social lubricant. It can make you
loosen up and even provoke a desire for sex, but when the
time to perform will come, it’ll let you down. Read more about
why smoking is bad for your $£X life.

  • Hopefully, you’ll not do any of these things before having S£X

and instead eat fruits and vegetables that boost your fertility
and sperm count. Exercising your pelvic floor muscles with
kegel exercises , and even working out your legs and arms in
the gym will help improve your $£X life.

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