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When it comes to indigestion you may wonder why it happens?
Here comes the solution to it even without medication, you can treat indigestion in the comfort of your home.Most important is that you need to drink at least 1litre of table water for free flow of food particles stuck In your throat. Read  below effects and treatment of indigestion:

*****heartburn - a painful burning feeling in the

******chest, often after eating

******feeling full and bloated

*****feeling sick

*****belching and farting

******bringing up food or bitter tasting fluids

When it’s not indigestion
Stomach ache or back pain are usually not
symptoms of indigestion. If you have those
you might be constipated.
How you can treat indigestion
There’s usually no need to see a GP about
Here are some things you can do at home:
avoid rich, spicy or fatty foods
cut down on tea, coffee, cola or alcohol
don’t eat 3 to 4 hours before going to bed
prop your head and shoulders up in bed -
this can stop stomach acid coming up
while you sleep
don’t take ibuprofen or aspirin - this can
make indigestion worse
lose weight if you’re overweight
give up smoking
These things will also help prevent

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